14 Day Self Care Series

About Us

We’re here to empower women to love and prioritize themselves – without the guilt, frustration, or shame.

When you started your self-care journey, you didn’t realize it would feel like never-ending escape room to find time for yourself. No one warned you how easy it’d be to lose sight of your own needs in the daily hustle.

We get it. You’ve been on the hunt for ways to reconnect with yourself and finally grab some “me-time”, but when the opportunity arises, guilt creeps in—like someone’s about to jump out, wagging their finger at your to-do list!

Ugh, can you just catch a break?

Deep down, you’re craving those moments of peace and self-discovery. You want to feel like a boss, radiating confidence, and owning your magnetic essence.

Dont worry. You’re in the perfect place! We’re going to put an end to that for good and make self-care as fun and easy as singing in the shower!

We wont let you settle for less.

You deserve to be the most important person in your life. It’s time to stop taking care of everyone else and start taking better care of yourself.   If you feel like you don’t need an explanation to put yourself first, you’re right. 


Hi, I’m Destiny Holmes

I’m the creator of the popular 14 Day Self Care Series.

I’m a self-care and personal development enthusiast with a mission to empower women around the world to prioritize themselves.

When it comes to learning something new, I’m the type of person that learns the key points and keeps it moving. But when it came to self care it was different (probably because I desperately needed it after a bad breakup).

That breakup made me realize I didn’t love myself like I thought I did. I started looking for ways to feel good about myself but I quickly realized most self care ideas are either long, boring, or not even self care at all.

And that’s how the 14 day self care series was born.

Simple, easy, and fun self care ideas that you can do over and over again.


Love Notes

I really loved this series. I liked that it was small actionable steps that I could do everyday.

I love the simplicity of the challenge. I like how quick and personable the emails are.

I have found time to do each day! On busy days I don’t make time for self, but doing this journey have allowed me to stop to focus on self!

I love it! You have helped me reconnect with myself with the smallest things. Thank you for reminding me that I come first no matter what.

This is making me realize that I can take time for myself without having an explanation. I kind of feel like I’m falling in love with myself slowly.

I honestly had it in my head that this would not work for me. Doing these activities made me realize how important I value myself truly. I learned a lot about myself that’s for sure.


Live With Less, Define Yourself, KNOW YOUR WORTH, Indulge in Skincare, Read Poolside, Take Care of Your Body,

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Let’s make it official with our short and sweet self care practicies that will help you reconnect with yourself in the smallest ways without feeling guilty.